- Computational microscopy with coherent diffractive imaging and ptychographyA Nature review article published in January 2025 references CITIUS and recognises its potential to greatly improve the data acquisition speed and image quality of X-ray CDI and ptychography. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-08278-z
- Invited Talk at Synchrotron Radiation InstrumentationDr Takaki Hatsui presented an overview of the CITIUS detectors and their performance for early adopter applications https://dncom.spring8.or.jp/presentations/data-presentations/index.htmlSpring-8
- The material of CITIUS "Development of 5.04 Mpixel CITIUS detector for high-resolution ptychography" by Dr. Hatsui of RIKEN is available.The material of CITIUS "Development of 5.04 Mpixel CITIUS detector for high-resolution ptychography" by Dr. Hatsui of RIKEN is available. https://dncom.spring8.or.jp/presentations/data-presentations/index.html
- We are exhibiting 15th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI 2024)https://www.sri2024.eu
- A paper using CITIUS has been published by Dr. Makina Saito. "Broadband Quasielastic Scattering Spectroscopy Using a Multiline Frequency Comblike Spectrum in the Hard X-Ray Region"https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.256901

The CITIUS X-ray detector system is a direct detection type next-generation X-ray image detector.
Direct detection has become a standard in recent years and achieves high sensitivity and effective zero noise. The CITIUS X-ray detector system is also a next-generation X-ray image detector capable of detecting high-intensity X-rays. It performs a high counting rate that cannot be achieved with the current state-of-the-art photon-counting detectors and has the world's highest performance.
This new CITIUS detector system enables high dynamic range imaging and high-speed imaging, and we hope to contribute to the further development of synchrotron radiation science.
CITIUS Performance
CITIUS electro-optical performance that achieves a high count rate of 600 Mcps or a high frame rate of 17.4 kfps.
Introduction of the camera-head line-up